I recently posted an article over in LinkedIn that was inspired by a newsletter I read. Here it is for those of you who might have missed it.

“I was just reading one of the very, very few newsletters that I, y’know, actually read. (author Jack Ganssle’s “Embedded Muse“) I came across this paragraph “Firmware is the most expensive thing in the universe. A boss managing hundreds of thousands of lines of legacy code will be loathe to chuck the lot and start over unless there’s an utterly compelling business need. It’s likely we’ll hear: “Yeah, I know it’s all crap, but can’t you just tune things a bit to keep marketing off my back?” So developers slave away at a code base whose entropic chaos escalates maintenance to a new Olympic sport, wishing they could start over, but bound by the inescapable chains of a ship date.”.

He has a multitude of other pithy nuggets worth reading, and if you are in the embedded programming field I highly recommend his column and books. Also, let’s compare war stories in the “BACnet Developers” LinkedIn Group.”

As always, please feel free to contact me at info@bac-test.com


“Firmware is the most expensive thing in the universe.”