Not so obvious Watch out for A/B D+/D- labeling issues. In the early days of RS-485 a group of chip manufacturers used the labels in the OPPOSITE sense to the standard. The world has never been the same again. We
Collection of BACnet BBMD Best Practices
Watch out for “auto-correcting” BBMD “managers”. These well intentioned, automatic, procedures are often vendor specific, and may ensure that the BDT (BBMD Address Tables) are valid among a given group of devices from one vendor, they can often neglect to
“Firmware is the most expensive thing in the universe.”
I recently posted an article over in LinkedIn that was inspired by a newsletter I read. Here it is for those of you who might have missed it. “I was just reading one of the very, very few newsletters that
How to build a FOSS BACnet Server based on Steve Karg’s SourceForge project
This article is based on FOSS (Free or Open Source Software) BACnet Stack found at SourceForge. If you have googled for “free bacnet source code” and found Steve Karg’s 5-star BACnet project on, congratulations. If not, welcome, you are